Suffering delusions and visions, Colby Smith is a young writer living with schizoaffective disorder. In November 2021 his fragile mind collided with what he believed to be the spirit of the late Gun Club frontman, Jeffrey Lee Pierce. In verse, Smith relates the terror and ecstasy of this personal experience, and is ably assisted with Blakean illuminations by indie comics legend Josh Bayer. Elegantly designed and richly illustrated, Fish Turn Colors will make a welcome addition to any Neo-Decadent library. Take your meds, give up the sun, and order today.
“One word of caution I’d offer to prospective readers, however, is that if you’re not prepared to be swept up in a maelstrom, you should save this for a time when you are. ‘Immersive’ is too narrow a term for what Smith and Bayer have accomplished here — rather, this is a work that SUBSUMES or even DELUGES you more or less from the outset.”
–Ryan Carey, Four Color Apocalypse